How much reliance should you place on analyst reports when investing in new technology?

Forrester have published their 2021 GRC Wave report, which assesses the relative merits of 15 vendors in this sector. If you'd like a complimentary copy , designated leaders such as Workiva will provide one.

Analyst reports are an emotive subject for those being assessed — great if you're awarded leader status, less so if placed in a lower tier. This is true for all sector reports, but the market dynamics for GRC make things particularly challenging for analysts when ranking the vendors:

Trust or ignore

Whilst acknowledging the challenges faced by analysts, some of the results in this latest publication are surprising, although this could be said of most reports in this sector.

So what does this mean for a business looking to procure a new GRC solution? (or IRM — it’s the same thing…) Are analyst assessments helpful?

As a general rule, these reports could be used to shape tentative shortlist faster, but the relative positioning of each vendor in the summary quadrant won’t necessarily be a good indicator of which offering will best suit your needs. Moreover, in tailoring your short list, you may need to cast your net beyond those vendors contained in these reports.

By way of illustration, consider two projects, focused on a specific use case, whereby the right shortlist won’t correlate with this latest Forrester report:

To be fair to Forrester, this need to look beyond an aggregated assessment is noted, with scores being provided by GRC area. On the flip-side, it’s a concern that they continue to assess vendors who’ve elected not to participate — is it coincidence that those placed, who’ve elected not to be assessed, are both placed in the bottom quartile?

Researching the right decision — some lessons learned

Selecting GRC technology can be a complex task and is typically part of a broader transformation program. Consider these 5 critical learnings from previous GRC selection progams:

For an objective view of options omitted from analyst reports, or for any other selection support, please contact us.

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